Mrs Panda
Sunday, April 05, 2015 • 04:47 • 0 comments
hye you guys its been a while since i didnt post anything for the past two years because i was busy dealing with spm... hahaha yelahtu yaya..i am now unemployed and im dari habis spm sampailah bulan 3 aku sibuk ternak lemakku yang semakin gumbira.lately i was thinking about my whole future and what do i want to be ? im so clueless as mama want me to ambik course in pendidikan.right now i myself dont know what i am going to be.dulu boleh la bagitau cita cita nak jadi itu ini tapi nowdays yang dah susah nak cari kerja membuatkan we have to force to love things that we hate to do.time tu sajalah gatal nak cari kerja and i only kerja for a whole damn week only but luckily yaya still dapat gaji around 2xx :D i know my parents can still afford to tanggung my necessities but yaya dah reach peringkat umur yang yaya tak nak lagi susahkan dorang.yaya berhenti kerja pun sebab kerja tu requires me to work till late night and i dont think it such a good idea for me.a lot of my family and friends says that yaya give up on that job but i was not.i have my own decision and opinions wether to stay or let go of my right now yaya back to being yaya.everyday buat my chores and finding ways to make money


Walkie Talkie

My Status
date :9.7.14
at:10 am

date : 1/1/15
at: 12pm

>> I miss you :/
date: 21/12/2012
at: 13.13pm


  • berhabuk
  • tahun baru azam baru
  • please stay :)
  • Love doesnt hurt , people hurt
  • Just a quick update
  • Raya Yayaaa :(
  • Memories stay and never can be replaced
  • Rindu "Yaya" dulu .
  • Mix feelings
  • Real friendship ? Masih wujudkah ? :')

  • D' Credits
    Basecode : N.Afiqah
    Template : Inspirit's Baby
    Edited : Yaya